Click on the linked items below to complete. We recommend you complete them in the order listed below.
FIRST: Please introduce yourself in our Introduction Discussion Folder in the Week 1 Section on our Moodle course site.
NEXT: There are 2 questions posed in this week’s discussion forum on our Moodle course site. Please read the questions and respond to them and other students’ responses throughout the week. The assignments below will help inform our discussion, but you do not need to complete the assignments first. For maximum learning, the discussion should occur throughout the course of the week. Thanks!
1) Watch “Think Before You Post” (short YouTube video)
2) Learn about RSS (short video from CommonCraft)
3) Create a Google account if you don’t already have one.
4) Using Google Reader, RSS this course blog and both instructors’ blogs within Google Reader. Feel free to RSS anything else you’d like as well! (Let us know if you need help!)
- Alex’s Blog:
- Joanne’s Blog: Book Publicity Central
5) Join Facebook (if you haven’t already) and then “Friend” Alex and Joanne there. (After the course is over, we may all “un-friend” each other as desired.)
- Optional: Become friends on Facebook with other people in our course (again, this is totally optional and up to each member of the course whom to accept Friend Requests from.)
- Optional: Become a “Fan” of Marylhurst University’s Facebook page and the Shoen Library Facebook page.
6) Complete Course Readings (which are really course “browsings”):
- Howard Rheingold’s video in which he talks about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action — and how Wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group.
- Digital Ethnography
- Top 50 Social Media blogs
- You Don't Have to be Crazy to Work in Social Media (But it Helps) from New Comm Bizz
- Social Media Marketing for Business
- Social Media Influence
- Social Media in Plain English (a short CommonCraft video)
- Social Media in Schools
- Anything else that you find to answer Week One’s questions (and by all means, please share any links with the class in the Discussion Forum in Angel)