Monday, May 28, 2012

Welcome to Week Nine!

Creative deadline management from Calvin & Hobbes, courtesy Go! Comics

Wow! It's Week Nine!
That's right, it's week nine, and our class is now drawing to a close. We've had some real great discussions over the term, and though we are almost out of time, we still have a few more in the pipeline. This week, we will be talking about the wider implications of Social Media in society. Political power, media, and quality of life are at the forefront. 
First though, an announcement. Earlier in the term, we asked you about interest in a meet-up, an in-person, face-to-face meeting of the class. We've set a date and time for that:

CCM 376E Intermediate Social Media Meet-Up

Friday, June 1, 2012, 5:00 pm
Manzana Grill in Lake Oswego, OR

Just to restate, this is totally optional, but it is an opportunity for you to meet your instructors (Joanne and I) as well as your classmates. There's no grades, it's not required, nor are purchases required, and for those unable to make it due to time and distance, we will miss you!
However, optional though it is, we also thought we would do this meet-up for an extra-curricular learning opportunity. For the last eight weeks, we have been communicating constantly via electronic means, much as people who you interact with on social media. For those of you meeting each other for the first time this way, it may be interesting to see if your level of comfort or connection is different than with people you have no electronic relationship with whom you are meeting for the first time. Consider it a social experiment!
Now a little reminder. For those contracting for an A, we will soon be asking for your final reflection papers. It may be worthwhile to begin making notes about your projects and possibly starting on your papers. Also, keep plugging away at the projects themselves. 
Now, onto our browsings for the week:
As always, there are discussion questions in Moodle related to our browsings for the week. We'll see you online!

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