Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Website set up

The YouTube video that I watched, was "Using Wordpress to Build a Website Yourself". In setting up a website, I was inclined to go to "Godaddy" or Google website s/u . It appears that Wordpress may get you a more professional appearance than most other sites. The producer of this video has his own website: He indicated that Wordpress is not strictly a content management website. It started out as a webblog and can be useful for that still, but has the ability to work both as a CM site and a blog. 
His recommendation is to find a professional web hosting environment. He mentioned several and the three that I wrote down were "One to One hosting", "Hostgator" and "Blue Host". I am a bit unclear as to how this whole process works. (So my question at this point is why one would need a hosting environment. My thought is that you need a host for your site. It's sort of like throwing a party and you need a place to host all your guests.) 
You also need a domain name. This is also a bit of a mystery to me. However, if you already have one, use it. If not, don't buy one but go to the sites he mentioned, such as  and find one using .com. Once this is done, Wordpress is ready to go. Now you can focus on how you want your site to look.
All very interesting. The author of the YouTube was easy to listen to and of course makes it all sound so simple! I'm know there is a lot more to it but I will find out when we go to set up our own site. 

Amy W.    

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy:

    Can you post the link to the video?

    Hosting = the physical space a web site exists at. It's like a bookshelf, and you usually pay (though it is sometimes free) to use it.

    Domain name = the address of the site. The domain for this blog is "".

    Speaking from my personal experience, if you have little experience working with web sites, I recommend you go to and sign up for an account, and just use their service. It is free and you will not need to mess with hosting, as they host it. If you want to put it on your own domain, such as "," you can do that through Wordpress for a small annual charge.

    FYI, Blogger also does similar things. Note that this blog has pages other than the blog front page -- they are in the upper right of the sidebar -- and Blogger can also support a domain name. (We could have, for a small fee, put this Blogger powered blog at an address like "" or something of the sort.)

    All of this said, for this class, it is not required you spend any money. Your grade will not be changed in any way based on if you spent money or not. So don't feel you must do this.
